A Registered Building Practitioner is an individual who is registered with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) to carry out building works, both residentially and commercially.
There are 9 categories of building practitioner registered through the VBA including:
- Residential Builders
- Commercial Builders
- Building Inspectors
- Building Surveyors
- Draftspersons
- Engineers
- Demolishers
- Quantity Surveyors
- Erectors or Supervisors of temporary structures
All of those above must be a “registered building practitioner” to be able to carry out the following works:
- any domestic works worth more than $5,000
- any re-blocking, re-stumping or demolishing works
- any building works that require a council permit
- if they are providing more than one type of works (e.g. building & electrical or plastering)
It is important to note that the individual person has to be registered with the VBA, not a company.
Before deciding on a builder to complete works, you can check if your chosen builder is registered by searching on the Victorian Building Authority website. It is important for you to be confident and comfortable with the builder you have chosen to complete works at your home, so a quick search to confirm their registration will be worth it. You want to ensure that the building works you are having completed are completed by someone with the necessary qualifications and expertise. For additional piece of mind, you can also search the Practitioner Disciplinary Register to confirm if your chosen practitioner has been found guilty of any misconduct, prior to them commencing any works at your home.
Top Shelf Carpentry is a Registered Builder with the Victorian Building Authority. You can contact us today to arrange a free, no obligation quote for the building works at your home.